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At SMSA, our curriculum supports, engages, and challenges your learner

at every age.

Noah's Ark & Daycare

Children enrolled in the Noah's Ark program are immersed in hands-on activities, which  stimulate their imaginations, ignite their curiosity, and prepare them for Kindergarten.


Athletics & Clubs

SMSA has so many extracurricular activities - from soccer and track, to Robotics and Chess Club.

Kids Playing

Summer Enrichment

SMSA Summer Enrichment is a teacher-led enrichment program founded on basic Catholic beliefs, for children ages 3 to 9.

Camp Kerry

SMSA's popular and convenient after-school program, Camp Kerry, is open until 5 pm every day school is in session, giving students a fun place to spend their after-school hours and giving parents peace of mind. 


Religious Life

Teaching SMSA students that they are unique, beloved children of a compassionate God.

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